Webinar recap: how to create a decentralized reusable identity strategy

July 2, 2024

One of the things we are most passionate about at MISSION is demystifying the seemingly complex world of Empowerment Tech. We love giving people the tools to make sense of it all and equipping them to chart their course with confidence.

We work directly with companies to build more empowering customer journeys using decentralized reusable ID, personal agents, and AI. We also partner with leading tech vendors to help them get their message out to the market.

So, we were delighted when the team at Dock asked if we would share some of the lessons we’ve learned from working on dozens of decentralized reusable ID projects with their audience.

If you didn’t catch it, you can check out the resulting webinar here.

Having the right strategy is fundamental to success. So we focused on the topic of “how to create a decentralized reusable identity strategy”.

Time and again, we see teams eager to dive straight into the technical aspects of their initiative, focusing on DID methods and wallet formats before they have a crisp articulation of how decentralized ID benefits their users.

Focusing prematurely on the technology is a mistake for two crucial reasons:

  1. Without a strong value proposition behind it, no technical solution (no matter how fancy) is likely to make it out of the lab and into users’ hands;
  2. The technology is largely a solved problem today, so there is little value in demonstrating that it works and far more in showing what can be done with it.

Instead, we recommend a proven methodology that starts with understanding the opportunity being tackled, maps data and value exchanges that define the ecosystem, and then dives into implementation options.

It can seem daunting without a framework to guide you, but when tackled systematically, none of the questions should present too great a challenge.

One key takeaway was what to worry about when just getting started compared to what to worry about later on (if at all). This was distilled down into a simple “sweat matrix”, which you can see here:

We help companies make the most of the Empowerment Tech opportunity. Decentralized reusable ID is a critical component in any comprehensive response.

We hope the webinar makes creating a strategy more approachable. But if you have any questions or would like to discuss having MISSION work directly with you on it, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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